Wednesday, 16 December 2009


(inset - Paparrazi shots of Ozzie at home playing with his bowls - 'THAT's PORN!')
Well a couple of weeks have gone by with mixed fortunes for the B-side. A defeat to our A-team on 27th November was probably no surprise although we didn’t give too bad an account of ourselves with the score at a respectable 4-3 at one point before we lost the remaining games to lose 8-4. obviously we hadn’t anticipated the outstanding performance of their star player – no not Hooky, or Linx, or Craig or.... oh sod it ill put you out of your misery because youll never guess FLATTY! That said he did go on to win through to represent the A-team in the singles AND the doubles and was only not in the trebles because the rest of the team got a cob on and wouldn’t let him play! Well done Gaz.

This week saw us away to ex servs B and back in the points. An initial loss from Billy and Oz was followed by three straight doubles wins from Goochy and Stridey, me and Clint and Hos and Yid. Stridey then got us off to a good singles start with a win before I lost (against a 134 finish!) and so did Shawn. Four wins out the last five with only yiddo losing saw us home to a good 8-4 win.

Back at the club and a game of bowls broke out between me and billy (unbeaten over the proper distance of 21 points) and Shawn and Oz. a good game which we enjoyed revealed something strange about Ozzie. A good shot from me was followed by a cry from Oz of “that’s porn”. A bit later and a good shot from Bill and a cry from Oz “it’s porn”. Now we were all enjoying the game but we didn’t think it was that exciting! This continued all through the game with Ozzie seemingly obsessed with porn. I don’t know if you can read anything into this but maybe it explains why his eyesight is so bad!

Home to ex servs A this week and hoping for no injuries as we are down to the bare 8.

See you soon
