There were Two guys at a bar. They were making small talk and realized a couple of interesting things.. this is how their conversation went.
Jedward on Jedward rating 7 out of 10.
For all those who couldn't find Linx last week, do not despair, you have another chance this week! Click on the link below.... Can you Spot Him?
Well I have got one more thing, I forgot to mention the excessive drinking that went on the previous Friday!!! Now correct me if I'm wrong but if I was going on a session the first thing that sprang to mind would not be' excuse me barman can I have a half a lager and lime and a vodka and diet coke chaser!!!!!!' 'oh and barman , hold the ice I'm on a session!' cheers Dirty and Penfold for that moment I have photos if I need them for a future p*** take I'm sure you haven't heard the last of this.
Right in summary Ill talk about the game - A good result in what could have been a tough game as we took a 9-3 victory. A solid all round showing as we won 7 out of 8 singles with the obvious loser being Nicky Lark although I will say he was a bit unlucky as he drew treble 19 Cass who went a bit nuts!!!! Ah well I'm gonna dwell on the sympathy he lost again and that's it. I don't want to blow my own trumpet as this just may be a 1 week flash in the pan, but at least it looked as if I had played before this week and hopefully it is a sign of some improved form in the future. Skip noticed that Serious is a better singles player than doubles as he popped in a 142 start in his singles and took a comfortable victory, he took a tape home of his performance but was unlucky he couldn't watch it due to a blown up tv. Penfold popped in the only other high score of the night in the singles as we were never really in danger. The food was exceptional, they had cheese straws and everything!!!!!
The doubles finished 2-2
Me and Nicky Lark won on third (yep that's won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Peek and Hook lost on fourth
Oh I had a 140 thought I better talk about myself a bit!!!!!!
Into the singles we went at 2-2 we wanted a quick start, we did not want any not needed pressure and we got it as Serious, Linx, ME!!!!!!!!! AND Dirty all won.
Next on The Snatural and with a chance to get a win that actually counted as the game was still on!!! nope he lost!!!!!!!!!!!
We then treated ourselves to a game on the Wii, while Linx and Smasher cuddled up on the sofa with harlie the dog. Pictures will follow!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cheers everyone
Weekend Sportsman over and.................................................................. Hang on!!!!!!!! I have a report of an urgent blog moment coming in on the Bat phone!!!!!!!!!
It seems that one of our regular Bloggers is trying to drive Fridays so he can act like an idiot on a Saturday and not get blogged- NOPE NOT A CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I look on my phone to find 5 new texts??? I'm never that popular and there's no way I can pull 1 bird on a sat night let alone 5!!!! what's going on????? Its my partner in crime Linx!!!!!!!!!! It seems he has had the legendary I did not get drunk!!! Fluff on the mobile. 'Linx was I drunk last night?' 'yes mate -quite bad, you were hanging out of the side of the car window trying to be sick, we are not sure if you were, you better check the side of the car'- don't know about you lot but it sounds like he may have been a bit drunker than he thought!?
'Paul I've found out why I'm in trouble' 'yes Fluff I know you were hanging out of the car window you pleb!' ' No I don't think she took offence to that I think it was when I passed out on the lawn that really annoyed her!!!!!!!' 'oh that doesn't sound good Fluff' 'Oh it gets better!!!!! The neighbours got woken up and had to collect me off the lawn and put me in the house!!!!!!!! Think that may have sent her over the edge!!!!!!!!!!'
BRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLIIIIIAAAAANNNNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got to laugh about that one!!!!!!! I get the feeling that Fluff wont be drinking heavily at the beer festival on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!
Weekend Sportsman over and out.
(now the second worst dart player in the team)